Ceremonies for Candlemas Eve

Robert Herrick’s poem is for the Eve of Candlemas. Candlemas was marked on February 2nd as the day on which Christmas decorations of greenery were removed from people’s homes. This was also a time that people brought their candles to church to be blessed. In the Catholic Church, it is the celebration of the Purification … Continue reading Ceremonies for Candlemas Eve

We’re Halfway There. Turn the Wheel of the Year

“Si sol splendescat Maria purificante,major erit glacies post festum quam fuit ante.” * Today is the exact halfway point between the Winter Solstice and the Spring Equinox. Yes, it is Groundhog Day and I have written about that here before. But how many different ways can you explain the origin of our tradition of expecting … Continue reading We’re Halfway There. Turn the Wheel of the Year

I Am Celebrating Everything

I don’t know what to celebrate today and tomorrow, so I’m celebrating everything. The lunar calendar is a calendar based upon the monthly cycles of the Moon’s phases (synodic months), rather than the solar calendars that most Westerners are familiar with and use daily. The Gregorian calendar, which is a solar calendar and is the … Continue reading I Am Celebrating Everything

Weekends in Paradelle 2021

It’s time for me to review the year here in Paradelle. I’m always curious to see which posts received the most attention during the year. I like it when new posts get a lot of reads, but usually, older posts have the biggest numbers overall. For example, a tiny little post called “What Happiness Looks … Continue reading Weekends in Paradelle 2021

The Second of February

The second day of February is a busy day for holidays and observances. I feel bad for all the confused and trapped groundhogs today. We humans can be so foolish sometimes. Perhaps, some creatures in the wild did venture out today to see what was happening in the world. Maybe some of them saw the … Continue reading The Second of February